ip_defrag_通过命令提示符在Windows Defrag中进行更深入的挖掘
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Windows users have learned over the years that they need to keep their computers defragmented to keep running at top speed.  While Windows Vista and 7 automatically defrag your disks, here’s some ways you can dig deeper into Windows Defragmenter.

Windows用户多年来已经了解到,他们需要对计算机进行碎片整理才能保持最高速度运行。 尽管Windows Vista和7自动对磁盘进行碎片整理,但是您可以通过以下某些方式更深入地研究Windows Defragmenter。

Windows Disk Defragmenter was turned into a very stripped down utility in Windows Vista and 7.  In fact, Vista’s Disk Defragmenter didn’t even let you select the disks to defragment until it was updated in Service Pack 1.  The good thing, though, is that both Vista and 7 automatically defrag your disks on schedule, so for the most part you don’t need to think about it.

Windows磁盘碎片整理程序在Windows Vista和7中变成了一个非常精简的实用程序。实际上,在Service Pack 1中对其进行更新之前,Vista的磁盘碎片整理程序甚至都不允许您选择要进行磁盘碎片整理的磁盘。 Vista和7都会自动按计划对磁盘进行碎片整理,因此在大多数情况下,您无需考虑这一点。

Do note, however, that for the most part you’re not going to see massive performance jumps by defragmenting a disk.  Actually, upgrading to an SSD would be the best way to improve your disk performance, and by the way, Don’t run defrag on an SSD drive! SSD drives do not need to be defragmented, and you actually decrease your drive’s performance by defragging it.

但是请注意,在大多数情况下,通过对磁盘进行碎片整理,您不会看到性能大幅提升。 实际上,升级到SSD将是提高磁盘性能的最佳方法,而且请不要在SSD驱动器上运行碎片整理! 无需对SSD驱动器进行碎片整理,实际上您通过对其进行碎片整理会降低驱动器的性能。

使用磁盘碎片整理程序 (Using the Disk Defragmenter App)

If you do open the defragmenter app, you may be surprised to find how sparce it is.  It lets you analyze or defragment individual disks; hold your Ctrl key to select multiple disks and defragment your whole system at once.  You can also .  By default, most computers will be set to defrag at 1AM Wednesday mornings, but you can change this if you’d rather it defrag at a different time or if your computer’s never running then.

如果您确实打开了碎片整理程序应用程序,您可能会惊讶地发现它是如此稀疏。 它可以让您分析或整理单个磁盘; 按住Ctrl键选择多个磁盘,然后一次对整个系统进行碎片整理。 您还可以 。 默认情况下,大多数计算机将设置为在星期三上午1点进行碎片整理,但是,如果您希望在其他时间对其进行碎片整理,或者如果您的计算机从未运行过,则可以更改此设置。

But that’s all you can do with the Defragmenter app.  To dig deeper, we need to head over to the command prompt.

但这就是碎片整理器应用程序所能做的。 要深入研究,我们需要转到命令提示符。

从命令提示符进行碎片整理 (Defraging from Command Prompt)

The Windows defragment tool actually has tons of features, but you just can’t access them from the window interface.  To dig deeper, open command prompt in Administrative mode.

Windows碎片整理工具实际上具有大量功能,但是您无法从窗口界面访问它们。 要深入了解,请在“管理”模式下打开命令提示符。

To use the defrag tool, just enter defrag followed by the parameters you want to use.  As usual, you can view the command’s help file by entering defrag /?.  Then to use defrag, just enter the following, like you would with many command apps.

要使用碎片整理工具,只需输入碎片整理,然后输入要使用的参数即可。 像往常一样,您可以通过输入defrag /?来查看命令的帮助文件 。 然后要使用碎片整理,只需输入以下内容,就像使用许多命令应用程序一样。

defrag [name of your drive] [parameter] [extra parameters]

碎片整理[驱动器名称] [参数] [其他参数]

So, to simply defrag your drive, just enter defrag [drive name].  If your main drive is C:, then just enter defrag C: to defrag your main C drive.  There’s tons more you can do with the disk defragmenter, as you can see from the included help info.

因此,只需对驱动器进行碎片整理,只需输入defrag [drive name]即可 。 如果您的主驱动器是C :,则只需输入defrag C:即可对主C驱动器进行碎片整理。 从随附的帮助信息中可以看到,使用磁盘碎片整理程序可以做更多的事情。

So, with that in mind, let’s dive in and look at some of the most common parameters you might want to use:


看看是否需要进行碎片整理 (See if you need to defrag)

Not sure if your hard drive needs defragmented?  Just analyze your disk by entering

不确定硬盘是否需要整理碎片? 只需输入以下内容即可分析磁盘

defrag [drive name] /A

碎片整理[驱动器名称] / A

As you can see below, we entered defrag C: /A to analyze our C drive.  After a few moments, you can see how large your drive is (Or partition if your hard drive is in multiple partitions), how much free space it has, the total fragmented space, and largest free space segment.  Underneath, the defrag tool will tell you if it thinks you need to defrag now or not.

如下所示,我们输入了碎片整理C:/ A来分析C驱动器。 片刻之后,您可以看到驱动器有多大(如果硬盘驱动器位于多个分区中,则可以分区),其有多少可用空间,总的碎片空间以及最大的可用空间段。 在下面,碎片整理工具会告诉您是否认为您现在需要进行碎片整理。

一次整理所有驱动器的碎片 (Defragment all your drives at once)

Would you like to just defragment all of your drives without getting extra info or doing a more complicated defrag?  If so, just enter defrag /C and let defrag take over.  Or, hey, you could just do this from the main defrag window since it works the exact same.

您是否只想对所有驱动器进行碎片整理而不获取额外信息或进行更复杂的碎片整理? 如果是这样,只需输入碎片整理/ C并让碎片整理接管。 或者,嘿,您可以只从主碎片整理窗口执行此操作,因为它的工作原理完全相同。

其他不错的选择 (Other Nice Options)

Get more info about the defrag: /V
Consolidate free space on a drive: /X
Defrag at normal process priority: /H
Track a defrag already in progress: /T
Defrag all drives except the one listed: /E
Defrag all drives at the same time: /M – note, this is only advisable if you have multiple drives, and will not work good on a computer with multiple partitions
获取有关碎片整理的更多信息: / V
合并驱动器上的可用空间: /X
在正常流程优先级下进行碎片整理: /H
跟踪已经进行的碎片整理: / T
对除以下列出的驱动器以外的所有驱动器进行碎片整理: / E
同时整理所有驱动器的碎片: / M –注意,仅当您有多个驱动器时才建议这样做,并且在具有多个分区的计算机上无法正常使用

You can put the options you need together, too.  Say you want to defrag all of your devices in verbose mode to see more info, and you also want the defrag to run at top priority.  To do this, we’ll enter:

您也可以将所需的选项放在一起。 假设您要以详细模式对所有设备进行碎片整理以查看更多信息,并且还希望碎片整理以最高优先级运行。 为此,我们将输入:

defrag /C /H /V

碎片整理/ C / H / V

Once it’s running, you’ll see the list of the options you’ve selected on the top of the command prompt window.  Remember to not close the window before the defrag is finished, as this will kill the process.

一旦运行,您将在命令提示符窗口的顶部看到所选选项的列表。 请记住,在碎片整理完成之前不要关闭窗口,因为这会终止进程。

Now that you’ve got more control over defrag, you can hopefully get your disks running at top performance.  Or, even if you don’t want to tweak anything, just running defrag /C is much geekier than opening the Disk Defragmenter.  We recently asked readers if they use the command prompt; if you’re not in the habit of using it, here’s a good chance to get started!

既然您对碎片整理有了更多的控制,就可以希望磁盘以最高性能运行。 或者,即使您不想进行任何调整,运行碎片整理/ C也比打开磁盘碎片整理程序更加怪异。 最近,我们询问读者是否使用命令提示符。 如果您不习惯使用它,那么这是个很好的入门机会!




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